Fort Recovery Schools Superintendent Tony Stahl sat down with Fort Recovery Radio. Click Here to Listen
Posted Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Click on "Read More" to listen to Justin Firks, Fort Recovery Local Schools Superintendent, talk with Mr. Kevin Sandler and the Spectrum Show on WCSM Radio on Tuesday, September 8, 2015.
Posted Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Please listen to the interview conducted on Fort Recovery Radio pertaining to the Insight program.Click here to listen.
Posted Wednesday, July 15, 2015
For the past several years, we have had the pleasure of hosting the Mercer County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program on their “education day”. (Tri-Star and Wright State Lake) This program is offered every year and includes 15-20 people who work in Mercer County. The following is an overview/purpose of this program: (taken from the Mercer county chamber website) One of main reasons for the excellent quality of life in the Mercer County area is the quality of leadership and involvement of its residents. The purpose of the Leadership Mercer County Program is to increase the quality and quantity of men and women capable of accepting leadership roles in various community organizations. Participants will be exposed to a variety of social and economic issues and opportunities facing Mercer County. The goal is to develop a source of informed civic-oriented leaders who are interested in directing the future of Mercer County.
Posted Tuesday, April 7, 2015
On March 3, Shelly Vaughn was interviewed by Bill Staugler on Fort Recovery Radio's Insight. Topics of discussion include: current happenings at Fort Recovery Schools, Common Core, PARCC Assessments, and the timeline for hiring the next superintendent. Interview with Shelly Vaughn
Posted Tuesday, March 17, 2015
January is board recognition month and we are blessed to have such dedicated school board members who serve our community and school district. The time spent in board meeting represents just a small portion of the hours that our school board members devote to leading our district. Their care and concern for our students, staff and community are evident in all they do! Thank you to Jose Faller, Dave Hull, Ginny Fortkamp, Aaron Guggenbiller and Amy Bihn. One major focus for the board has been reevaluating our district goals. This process began in August and the teaching staff spent time working together reviewing and planning for new continuous improvement goals during our recent professional development day. We will continue to seek input from community members at District Input Team and Business Advisory Committee meetings later this month. Once the new goals are established, the board will revisit our vision and mission statement to ensure these are aligned. Look for our new Continuous Improvement Plan in a future edition of the Fort Site Journal.
One major focus for the board has been reevaluating our district goals. This process began in August and the teaching staff spent time working together reviewing and planning for new continuous improvement goals during our recent professional development day. We will continue to seek input from community members at District Input Team and Business Advisory Committee meetings later this month. Once the new goals are established, the board will revisit our vision and mission statement to ensure these are aligned. Look for our new Continuous Improvement Plan in a future edition of the Fort Site Journal.
Posted Wednesday, January 21, 2015